About Me

Hi, my name is Robyn.

I have had 40 years in teaching practice as an art teacher (K-10) and as a classroom teacher.

I am passionate about seeing clients healed and set free to be themselves.

Having spent the past four decades working one to one with children as a classroom teacher, including many clients on the Autism spectrum and those with complex trauma or mental health issues, I have discovered that there is a gap within the current curriculum that is not meeting the full needs of such children when it comes to developing their unique talents.

As a result, I have combined my expertise as a teacher, counsellor, and art therapist to provide clinical consultancy to clients whose families are looking for assistance in further developing their creativity and mental wellness, in conjunction with their educational literacy.

Working with both children and adults using the therapeutic aspects of creativity to assist in the resolution of conflict, the development of resilience and the building of relationships.

Programs are tailored to suit the age and experience of the client.

Group sessions are arranged for children and adults according to their commonalities, for example, a small group of women with similar background history and a desire to share their life’s journey can be fostered to create an environment that is both safe and supportive as they draw and paint in an atmosphere of congeniality.




My mission is to foster a love of learning & healing through creative lesson plans and prompts.


“A creative experience has the power to catapult children into a lifetime of harmony and curiosity”

— Robyn Kennedy-Swilks

About Art Therapy

Click on the + button to discover more about art therapy.

  • Art therapists use creative, arts-based processes as part of their therapeutic work with clients, to facilitate self-expression, communication, self-awareness and personal development.

    Creative expression has been found to improve health including physical, emotional and cognitive functioning, integrating socially and increasing the overall quality of life, meaning and insight of self in the world.

    My approach begins with developing a safe space for you to enter into, or continue on, a journey of self-discovery.

    I will journey alongside you, in a co-inquiry together, focussing on strengthening meaning, expanding perspective, and developing a connection to spirit and purpose.

    I will encourage those I work with to explore their unconscious world and significant internal experiences and patterns, bringing light, awareness and healing.

  • Experiencing a safe and supportive environment to explore aspects you may normally keep hidden

    Clarifying concerns or challenges

    Working through and healing personal issues and traumas

    Developing strategies to better cope with anxiety, depression, fear, grief, or loss.

    Gaining support through life transitions

    Self-expression when you may not be able to describe how you are feeling with words alone: make the invisible (such as painful emotions and experiences) visible through external expression

    Acceptance of all parts of self and assisting to become whole

    A renewed understanding of personal meaning and discovery of inner resources

    Reconnecting with creativity

    Increasing self-esteem, self-worth and confidence

    Developing healthy coping skills

    Art-making engages the whole brain and can stimulate the integration of cognitive, feeling and sensory processes

    Self-empowerment, strength and an understanding of personal values when making life decisions

  • Art therapy can benefit all ages, genders, cultural backgrounds and socio-economic circumstances. The insights, growth, healing and learning is tailored to the individual needs of the client. The therapeutic process begins from where the individual is at and will be guided by the client, as I will facilitate the discovery process.

    My particular style is great for someone who is wanting to explore themselves in the world and who is ready, courageous enough and willing to step into the unknown in order to discover something new.

    Art therapy is suitable for anyone who would like to inquire into themselves and how they experience the world, discover more about themselves, clear blockages, heal from past experiences, develop and connect with their creativity, or improve relationships.

    There are many other reasons someone may want to explore art therapy, as many reasons as there are individuals.

    Art Therapy can also benefit those experiencing a range of mental, emotional and physical illnesses, disorders, addiction, trauma, grief and loss.

    Remember to keep an open mind, and ask for what you need.

Start your Journey today.